Caribbean Wax I Am An Afro-Caribbean Male What Hair Products Should I Use?

I am an Afro-Caribbean male what hair products should I use? - caribbean wax

Hello, I am a human hair products such as Afro-Caribbean should I use?
It can usually keep their hair short (1 to another peak of about 1.5) and not every 3-4 weeks Cutt.
But as sometimes very fat and / or my scalp is dry and sweet shoot me (not bad enough for people to notice).
In general, wash my hair every two days with my shower gel (shampoo RADOX). Sometimes, during his short, I gel / wax JAM. Try head and shoulders, which helps, but sometimes I have oily hair and itchy scalp dry.
Wash Any advice on products or how often your hair or gel should be appreicated. Thank you.


dawnw363 said...

Use shower gel, you need to go into the shop in the Caribbean, where you will find a wide range of products and know Asisstant more than a normal sale, my daughter, Afro-hair, and she used to wash baby shampoo Johnsson but I went to my shop in the Caribbean is a mild shampoo for children and the improvement is unbelievable. Hope this helps

Lost and found said...

Do not use the shower gel - this ruins your hair. If at the head and shoulder, then wash with him further and hair every day, see if you are fat. Gel and a wax can sometimes build up on the hair and scalp that might be the cause of the smoothness of peeling /. If you do not use the gel / wax things, and try different products for sensitive skin. Sorry, could not remember exactly - not a work for some people and produces for others - his "trial and error!

NeedHelp... said...

try to have a look soon ... Some girls think are sexy and hot

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