Car Agreement Letter Friend Hit My Car, He Is Going To Pay For The Repairs In Payments I Need To Have It In Writing. Need A Letter

Friend hit my car, he is going to pay for the repairs in payments i need to have it in writing. need a letter - car agreement letter

The report has no insurance because he has several messages
Then IAM Goint for repairs, and it has paid in installments that I have a kind of letter of agreement saying they will have to pay me. A body has an Idea? Is there a way or to put what in the letter. Thank you for your help


Bandit said...

I agree to pay __________ __________ $_______ $_______ in the level of individual weeks until full payment. I'm going to make any payment by Wednesday each week. As compensation for the damage to his property. signed_______.
Witness by_______

this is simple. If the default friend, I think the judge enforce the agreement to small claims court. I would not say it was damaged by car. Some states require that the damage was reported, a car for a certain amount.
What really happened, because it could affect relations. Good luck.

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